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Hive Hub & Hub 5

Tuning in

My hive hub has worked for 2 years no problem with Hub 3.0. I received a new hub, the 5, and the hive will no longer connect to the Hub Server.  I have it plugged into the 2.5gpbs ethernet port.

I have unplugged it, rebooted the router etc, no success. Tried a different ethernet cable, nothing.

I have spent hours on the 'chat' with Hive, with no success. As a note, i have BT Whole Home disc connected to the Hub 5, nothing else.

Any ideas ?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Have you reconfigured the Hive Server since getting the Hub 5? 

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I cant reconfigure the Hive Server, thats hosted by Hive isnt it. 

Use hub in modem mode get a router with 1Gb or better ports.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hey BACARDIMAN, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry you are having some issues with your Hive equipment.

Unfortunately, we can't guarantee our kit would work with any 3rd party equipment and when it does we can't promise it would work 100%.

Has any of the advice above helped at all? Thanks 

Matt - Forum Team

New around here?

I have BT Whole Home, i plugged the Hive into one of the discs, which worked, thanks.

Yeah - the BT Whole Home product is excellent. No need to use the wretched CONNECT app; no need to have SMART WiFi enabled and it works perfectly (at my other house).

Seph - ( DEFROCKED - My advice is at your risk)

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Sound like the Hive doesn’t like the new Hub 5 WiFi 6 if it works via an Ethernet connection. I really wonder about the VM Wifi offerings sometimes. I use TP-Link PoE Access points and I none of my IOT has any issues. Strange….

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I have hive and it's worked perfectly when i upgraded from the hub 3 then to hub 4 and now hub 5, all i did was change the wifi ssid network names on the hub 4 and 5 to what the hub 3 was and bingo ALL my devices connected no problem.

Aha! Maybe that's it. How do you change the SSID names though?