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Volt questions

On our wavelength

I’m thinking of going for the volt package but unfortunately I can’t speak to anyone that understands me.

my questions are that I already have Netflix so will I have to cancel my current Netflix so that I can Netflix for free with volt.

also we already have a sim with virgin which is just being taken over by o2 so do I just get another SIM card or does it transfer to the existing sim?

Also will I get a new modem

hope this makes sense



On our wavelength

Is it really too much to ask to speak to someone who can actually understand me and answer the questions that I put to them?

it seems they have a script and can’t deviate from it really it’s beyond belief that customers can’t get the answers they require from a simple conversation 

Hi @brettbrtsk, thank you for your response.

We understand your frustration, but we can only advise on how best to contact ourselves. 

Has a complaint been raised regarding this matter? Advice on how to do so can be found here.


On our wavelength

Yes I’ve raised a complaint straight to the top, at the moment I’m not hopeful of anything coming of it as they seem more interested in making money than looking after there customers who have been with them since the beginning 

Hi @brettbrtsk, we're sorry to hear you feel this way 😔

You can track your complaint for any updates using our online checker here

Please keep us posted on how it's progressing.



I found if you first thing at 8am you don't get put through to an Indian based call centre. Usually someone from the UK will answer.

It’s just poor that virgin think that there call centres in India can answer all the questions.

I’m not the only person that thinks this way but virgin do nothing to help 

On our wavelength

And by the way did try the 8am trick but yet again it didn’t work, I’ve finally given up 

Hi there @brettbrtsk 

Than you for popping back to us, I can see that one of our team has already messaged you via a PM, but have been unable to pass security with you. 

If you are happy to pass security with us via the PM by answering the security questions I will be more than happy to take a look into this with you via a PM, but we do need to pass security in order to discuss the account. 

Please do let me know.

Hi Ashleigh 

the only question I wasn’t happy to give out was my sort code everything else I was happy with.

if you’re around please feel free to message me 





Thank you @brettbrtsk 

In order to pass security we do need to ask certain questions, these are the same questions that would be asked by our teams over the phones should you need to pass secondary security with them. 

You can verify staff accounts on the forums here

I will pop you a PM now with the security questions please do pop back to me when you can.