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Re: 2023 no notification of price increase

Joining in

I too, didn't receive notification of a price increase and had no idea until I received my monthly bill.  Have you had any luck pursuing this with the ombudman?  I'll also use the ofcom form to report


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hey 1ization, thank you for reaching out and a warm welcome to the community I am sorry to hear about the recent price rise.

You will receive a personalised communication that will detail the specific change to your monthly charge. Price increases will vary as it will be specific to the service(s) you have. Have the email / contact details we have for you the right ones? You can check here. Thanks 


We always balance our prices with the need to continue investing in our network, products and services.

  1. Like many businesses, we’re experiencing rising costs due to inflation. We are not immune to rising costs, primarily due to wider economic changes from rising inflation.
  2. We’re seeing growing demand for data – with usage growing by more than 10% each year. Last year, we invested more than £2bn in our networks, which contributed to average broadband speeds increasing more than 40%, while helping to make sure our customers stayed connected and were able to keep using our services more and more. Cheers

Matt - Forum Team

New around here?

Dear Matthew,

Thank you for your response. I have many reasons not to be happy with Virgin Media including the constant dipping of internet service I've been receiving.

That there was a price rise when it wasn't supposed to happen until October (as per the contract) is bad enough. The fact I hadn't received notification of the price rise in order to respond to it within 30 days and the Virgin rep that I spoke to couldn't supply a copy of the notification email, I thought rather convenient.

I have been online and and seen that many others have also experienced this problem i.e. no notification in order to cancel contract as well, and I've reported it to Ofcom as they have suggested.

With regards to my email address, you obviously have my correct email otherwise I wouldn't receive all the other correspondences from you - of which I save all of them.

I've also followed the link in your email which you suggest I click on to check you have the right details for me. It leads straight to an App Store which isn't helpful. I can see from the Google reviews that the Virgin app isn't much rated either. I have an account with you so why on earth would I want to install an app to find this information as well?

So no, your email and explanation of the price rise hasn't been helpful in any shape or form and I'll be cancelling my contact in September.

Very disappointed as Virgin Media used to be a really good company.


Josephine Casey

Hi 1ization


Thank you for your post and welcome back to our community.


I am sorry to hear you didn't receive your price rise notification.


Have you spoken to the team over the phone regarding this?


Were they able to offer any resolution in terms of the price?


If you would like us to raise a complaint for you, please let us know and we can send you a private message.


Please pop back to us when you can. 

Vikki - Forum Team

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