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Appalling Treatment & Lack of Customer Service

Joining in


Re the above,

I’ve been a returning VM customer for a while and was on a contract until recently.

I was drawn to it as I was called directly after browsing initially on the website where I was weighing up whether or not to leave my (then) provider.

Within a couple of minutes my phone rang with a VM rep on the other end who would (he said) be my single point of contact from now on where I to sign up which I did. He promised that he would contact me before the contract expired to help “take the stress” out of negotiating another deal.He even gave me his name and number, (which was never switched on) so needless to say this promise was never kept

When I looked to renew I was unable to speak to a human being for hours of my valuable time, so resorted to their suggestion of a ‘web chat’ via WhatsApp. What an unmitigated disaster that turned out to be.The VM agents I spoke to were obviously reading off a response checklist whilst ‘answering’ my questions and I felt like I was banging my head against the wall!

After (eventually) agreeing to a reduced service I then asked for an additional box which was never delivered ,so I cancelled the contract, again via WhatsApp, disconnected my box and returned it.The agent advised that I would have to pay early exit fee of £280, then £850 & now I’ve had an invoice £700-odd!

I am now being chased for supposedly leaving my contract early so have now reported them to the regulator.

I will NEVER use this company again,due to the appalling levels of ‘customer service’ they offer in terms of it being almost impossible to speak to a human being that is unless they want to sell you something in the first place.

This is before I mention the terrible job their installation engineers did with respect to the cabling which ran up the path ‘held’ by a few cable clips and along a flower bed, on top of the soil.

I had to complain to the ‘engineer’ for him to even consider using cable clips!

“We’ll come back later this week and sort it properly mate”

Of course you will! .It has (seriously) been a trip hazard ever since-now thankfully removed.

Apologies for the rant! 


Accepted Solutions

It was within 14 days of receiving the PDF

See where this Helpful Answer was posted


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @JLWP thanks for your post here although we're sorry to hear of the concerns you've raised here.

You mentioned that in the webchat, you agreed to a reduced service so this would be at a new 18-month contract. How long has passed between this agreement and cancelling the contract as this may be why there is early disconnection fees in place?

Many thanks


As Tom hints at under the VM Ts and Cs where you have ordered any of the services online, by telephone or from an
agent attending at your home and have entered into a new contract with
VM you have a statutory right to cancel an order for those services within
the cooling off period, which is 14 days from the *latest* of:

1. the day after the delivery of the equipment;

2. the service start date; and

3. the day on which you received a copy of these terms and conditions IN printed or PDF format.

Cancel VM here
Complain to VM
Demand compensation from VM here
Demand your call recordings here
Monitor the state of your VM connection here

It was within 14 days of receiving the PDF

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)


Thanks for coming back to us about this issue. I'll be happy to look into this further for you and see what I can do to help.

I'll send you a Private Message to confirm a few details, so please keep an eye out for an envelope at the top right corner of your Forum page. I'll be in touch soon.
Thank you! 

Forum Team

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