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Phoneline is cutting off mid call

Tuning in

This problem is identical to Sheebs65 - it started occurring shortly after the switchover to internet connected phone in the summer.

The situation is we only make about one call on a sunday  - the rest are incoming and are of short duration. We have delayed making a complaint in the hope that everything would "bed in" and settle down - but it has`nt !!!!!!!!!!!!

The one call my wife makes to her friend (every Sunday at 10.30 am) should last abour 40 mins but after 30 mins the call is cut and my wife has to re-ring to re-establish contact which is often lost again, much to her extreme annoyance. This evening she received a call (from a neighbour who also has a Virgin phone ) which was lost after 3 mins. On re-connect the neighbour confirmed that she was often getting the same problem. (Thatcham)

I have been re-booting the modem every Sunday to ensure the speed and connection is working - and it always is. I will continue to do this but in future I will also dis- connect and reconnect the phone line to the modem in the hope thos will help - but I would prefer not to !!!!!

Please advise that our problem is receiving atttention and will be resolved. :- regards

Alan Taylor


Accepted Solutions

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi there @alanrostaylor 


Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums, it's great to have you here. 


I am so sorry that you have faced issues regarding your phone connection. I can see there are currently some connections issues in your area that are expected to resolve in 24 hours.


We cannot run checks until these issues have cleared, are you able to let us know how the phone is after the 24 hours and we can pop back to take a look? 





See where this Helpful Answer was posted


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi there @alanrostaylor 


Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums, it's great to have you here. 


I am so sorry that you have faced issues regarding your phone connection. I can see there are currently some connections issues in your area that are expected to resolve in 24 hours.


We cannot run checks until these issues have cleared, are you able to let us know how the phone is after the 24 hours and we can pop back to take a look? 





Many thanks Ashleigh for such a quick reply - I have been goung through all the posts and see this does not appear to be a common problem.

I said we dont make that many calls but I will monitor and report going forward especially the weekly Sunday wife`s call , after the 24 hours have passed that you indicated are needed before you can properly monitor and resolve the problem


Alan Taylor

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi @alanrostaylor 


Thanks for posting on our community forum and sorry to hear about the issue with your landline


Please do be sure to keep us updated and we'll investigate further if needs be

Forum Team

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Since the last posting on Tuesday 28th Feb this problem is still not resolved.  Daily tests were carried out usiing a call from the landline to my wifes mobile to test length of uninterrupted connection . The calls were limited to 45 mins and up until today none were cut short.   BUT !

Today Sunday 5th March my wife attempted her normal regular call to her friend`s landline in Somerset at 10.30am .IT FAILED AFTER 20 MINS, The call was resumed after re dialling and conversation was carried on until, a further 10 mins . The friend was asked to confirm that her phone was fully charged - she did and said she had not used it since yesterday. A further call was made to her brother in Bristol at 11.01 am which lasted without problem untill 11.15 a.m

The internet connection was re-booted before the phone call started and gave readings of 137.55mb download and 21.17 upload.

Please ,please confirm that the correction is within your capabilities and explain how resolution can be achieved

Thank you for the update alanrostaylor


I am sorry to hear the issue is ongoing. 


Do you have any other devices connected to the phone line?


Is your phone located close to the hub?


Please pop back to us when you can. 

Vikki - Forum Team

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the phone being used is downstairs and not close to the hub.
there are no other devices connected to the phone

Thank you.


Could you reboot the hub if you haven't already?


Do you have another handset you can try please?


Please pop back to us when you can. 

Vikki - Forum Team

New around here? To find out more about the Community check out our Getting Started guide

The Hub was rebooted before the call was made (do this every Sunday)

The phone being used is a Panasonic with 3 extensions and was purchased very recently to replace a similar Panasonic . The reason for replacement was to eliminate the house phone as a culprit for the loss connection.

Since your queries and attempts to help us we decided to formally report the fault also to 150 . They confirmed there was a stability problem in our area and have agreed that it is necessary for an Engineer to attend and this is arranged for  tomorrow - 

I will let this Forum know what transpires - many thanks ViKKi m for your queries

regards AlanRos


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Thank you for updating the thread @alanrostaylor

Please keep us posted on how your visit goes and I hope this resolves this for you.
