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Hub 3 / Compal CH7465-LG (TG2492LG) and CGNV4 Latency Cause

Up to speed

Good Day Ladies and Gentlemen,

Greetings from the other side of the pond, so to speak.  Over the last few weeks I've been perusing various user forums across North America and Europe for issues related to Intel Puma 6 modem latency.  Of those forums, your Hub 3 stands out as yet another Puma 6 based modem where users see continuous latency no matter what site is used or what online game is played. Considering all of the problems that are on the go, the following information should be of interest to all Hub 3, Compal CH7465-LG and Hitron CGNV4 modem users.  There is much more to post regarding this, so this is a start, to alert VM users as to the real cause of the latency and hopefully engage the VM engineering staff, via the forum staff, with Arris.  I am surprised to see that there has been no mention on this board of users from other ISPs who are suffering the exact same issues with their modems, so, this may come as a surprise to some, and possibly old news to others.

So, the short story ........

The Hub 3 / Compal CH7465-LG (TG2492LG) & Hiton CGNV4 modems are Intel Puma 6 / 6 Media Gateway (MG) based modems.  These modems exhibit high latency to the modem and high latency thru the modem.  The latency affects all IPV4 and IPV6 protocols, so it will be seen on every internet application and game.  The basic cause is the processing of the data packets thru a CPU software based process instead of thru the hardware processor / accelerator.  It appears that a higher priority task runs periodically, causing the packet processing to halt, and then resume.  This is observed as latency in applications and in ping tests to the modem and beyond.  For the last several weeks, Hitron, along with Intel and Rogers Communications in Canada have been addressing the latency issue within the Hitron CGNxxx series modems.  To date, only the IPV4 ICMP latency has been resolved.  Although this is only one protocol, it does show that a Puma 6MG modem is capable of using the hardware processor / accelerator with good results.  Currently Rogers is waiting for further firmware updates from Hitron which should include an expanded list of resolved protocol latency issues.  For Arris modems, "Netdog" an Arris engineer indicated last week that Arris was onboard to address the issue for the Arris SB6190 modem.  That should be considered as good news for any Arris modem (read Hub 3) user as Arris should be able to port those changes over to other Puma 6/6MG modems fairly quickly.  This is not a trivial exercise and will probably take several weeks to accomplish.  Note that there is no guarantee at this point that it is possible to shift all packet processing to the hardware processor / accelerator without suffering from any packet loss side effects.  Time will tell if all of the technical issues can be resolved with the current hardware included in the Puma 6/6MG chipset.  Last night, Netdog loaded beta firmware on selected test modems on the Comcast Communications network.  As this was only done last night, it's too soon to tell what this version resolves and if it was successful or not.  Netdog has contacts with staff at Comcast, Rogers, Charter and Cox Communications to fan out beta versions and modifications for testing.  I'd say its time to add Virgin Media and/or Liberty Global to that group as well.

Recent activity:

Approx three weeks ago a DSLReports user, xymox1 started a thread where he reported high latency to an Arris SB6190 and illustrated that with numerous MultiPing plots.  This is the same latency that I and other users with Rogers communications have been dealing with for months so it came as no surprise.  As well as reporting via that thread, xymox1 took it upon himself to email several staff members at Arris, Intel, Cablelabs and others.  The result of that campaign was Netdog's announcement, last week, that Arris was fully engaged at resolving the issue.  That has led to last nights release of beta firmware, although as I indicated its too early to determine what the beta firmware resolves, if anything.

The original thread that xymox1 started is here:

Yesterday, DSLReports issued a news story covering the thread:

Today, Arris responded:

That response was also picked by

This is more news likely to appear in the next few days as additional tech and news staff pick up on this issue.

Hub 3 observations:

Like many others using a Puma 6/6MG modem, Hub 3 users are experiencing latency when they ping the modem, or ping a target outside of the home, game online or use low latency applications.  The common misconception is that this is Buffer Bloat. It's not. Its most likely a case of the packet processing stopping while the CPU processes a higher priority task.  The packet processing is done via the CPU no matter what mode the modem is operating in, modem mode or router mode and no matter what IPV4 or IPV6 protocol is used.  Normally, the latency is just that, latency.  The exception are UDP packets. In this case there is latency and packet loss.  The result of that is delayed and failed DNS lookups, and poor game performance for games that use UDP for player/server comms or player/player comms.

Can this be fixed?

So far, it appears that the answer is yes.  Rogers Communications issued beta firmware to a small group of test modems in October.  This version shifted the IPV4 ICMP processing from the CPU to the hardware processor / accelerator, resulting in greatly improved performance in ping latency.  At the present time we are waiting for the next version firmware which should shift other protocols over to the hardware processor / accelerator.  That can be seen in the following post:

The details and results of last nights beta release to the Comcast group have yet to be seen.

At this point there is enough reading to keep most staff and users busy.  My intention is to post some of the history leading up to this point and instructions on how to detect the latency and packet loss.  This is not thru the use of a BQM.  I had hoped to post this all at once but events are moving much faster than I had thought they would.  For now this should suffice to get the ball rolling.

Below is a link to a post with a couple of HrPing plots from my 32 channel modem to the connected CMTS.  This shows the latency that is observed and reflects what others have posted in this forum using Pingplotter and HrPing.

HrPing is one of the freebie applications that can be used to monitor the latency to and thru the modem. 

Pingplots with Pingplotter which show the latency from my modem to the CMTS can be found in the first two to three rows of my online image library at Rogers Communications, located below.  They are essentially what the BQM would look like if you were able to zoom into the plot to the point where you could see the individual ping spikes.  Those ping spikes are common to Puma 6 and Puma 6MG modems.



 [MOD EDIT: Subject heading changed to assist community]

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On our wavelength


I was upgraded to 350mb package today and I installed the Hub 3 my self. As soon as I powered it up for the first time it started to download the .608 firmware. This the results I got from that test you have linked.




I set up a BQM monitor for the Hub 3 a few minutes after the .608 update. At first the yellow max ms was reaching around 80ms. But has started to calm down now and is around 40ms.


Would you please be so kind as to post a screenshot of the DHCP page?

A lot of people want to know whether or not you can now change the DHCP range away from 192.168.0.x.

Thanks in advance.

Seph - ( DEFROCKED - My advice is at your risk)

Sure ill do it now.


On our wavelength

@Sephiroth is this the correct page you are looking for?

On our wavelength

@risc19 wrote:

Could someone on .608 run the puma 6 test please?

Just got the FW today

Before was mostly like this (some FAR worse but this is about the average):

puma6 test 120518 1615.png

On 608 this is the worst one I've had:

Puma 6 test 180618 post FW update.JPG


@risc19 wrote:

Could someone on .608 run the puma 6 test please?

Here is mine



Tuning in

On 200mb gamer package.

Got new firmware last night 608. Has made a vast improvement but still switching to BT fiber in a few days. It's been a glorious 20 years virgin (blueyonder).

He are some screens.

old firmwareold firmwareFirmware 608Firmware 6081be5de8bc7d4a9ce5874d7f6b3d585a455496f04.pngFirmware 608Firmware 608

So I spoke to Customer Services last week and the technical support line (oddly enough they never called back regarding my complaint, the only reason they called was because i scored them as "Zero" on a random survey they sent out.

They refuse to accept or even acknowledge the problem, telling me that it's only older hubs that suffer from the problems. The initial guy I spoke to (clearly from the UK) put me through to their tech support line after he realised I knew more about the problem than him, and I just went through the same call-card BS again.

They've sent out an engineer now who is arriving this morning. Not sure what he/she is supposed to do, unless they're going to replace the hub with a hub 1/2... Phoning to cancel if it's not resolved when he leaves.

@ocleot07 wrote:

@Sephiroth is this the correct page you are looking for?

Many thanks. Very good. 


Seph - ( DEFROCKED - My advice is at your risk)