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Webchat... is it manned?

Tuning in

Does anyone know.... Is the webchat actually manned by anyone? Trying to cancel my account as I move in 2 days, it says 'approximate 45 minute wait' I was waiting 3 hours until it shut last night and now I've been waiting 2 hours for a response!!!

Can't call at the moment... has anyone actually had a response? It seems pretty useless if it doesn't work!



Alessandro Volta

The normally-slow VM customer service has been made even slower recently by customers trying to cancel before end of October to avoid the scheduled price increase.

You need to give VM 30 days notice to cancel your services.

By phone, the recommended time to call is first thing when the lines first open for the best chance of least delay getting through.

Alternative methods include text and Whatsapp as per

You can cancel your services by post as per info below

Use a first-class, signed-for delivery service. This will give you a date/time of delivery when you gave VM your 30 days’ notice to cancel. Also keep a record of the tracking number. You could also opt (at a cost) for signed for next day delivery before 1 pm.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi @goslow 

You can't cancel via text message, and whatsapp is also no longer mentioned .

As per 


You can cancel by phone, letter, or online chat (by clicking on the Live chat button on that page)


I don't work for Virgin Media.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge.
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The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali

Alessandro Volta

Thanks for the update. Duly noted.

So, the choices are a long wait on the phone, a long wait on chat or send a letter! 🤣

Oh dear Virgin Media!

Joining in

I started the Whatsapp chat 27 hours ago. I get the occasional "thank you for waiting etc"

Tuning in

An ISP and the best way to get hold of them is snail-mail..

Im trying to leave and been waiting an hour so far.   Think it might well have to be a letter but to emphasise the point, I’m going to write in long hand using a quill pen 

Do please let Ofcom know all about your cancellation experience with VM (by quill or otherwise)

Cancel VM here
Complain to VM
Demand compensation from VM here
Demand your call recordings here
Monitor the state of your VM connection here

On velum, just to add to the old-school vibe!

But seriously, the whole setup is truly pathetic isn’t it, especially when you consider that the OFCOM codes of conduct, which VM signed up for, specifically state that cancelling should not be materially more difficult than signing up! Still it is what it is, cancelling by letter does confer certain legal advantages, as long as you keep a copy and send it by some sort of proof of posting or even signed for delivery - costs you more, but something that they absolutely cannot defend against if push comes to shove.

Knows their stuff

As per Vinegars post - VM have previously tried it on by saying solicitors letters/cancellation letters have gone astray once on their premises. In law it is deemed from stated cases that once signed for it has been received for attention.