Blog Post

Digital life

How to test our latest products and services

VirginMedia's avatar
Virgin Media Staff
6 years ago

Are you the sort of person who has to have the latest gadgets and gizmos? Do you love giving feedback on new tech? Would you like to get your hands on our new products and services before they’re officially launched?

If any of that speaks to you, then we could use your help. We’d love for you to sign-up to be a part of our trial pool so we can keep you posted when new opportunities arise.

What’s a trial?

A trial is your opportunity as a customer to test specific new equipment, services or apps before we officially launch these. We run trials to ensure that everything performs as expected and we’ll usually ask you to perform certain checks alongside your normal usage.

How do I find out about new opportunities?

Once you’ve signed up to become a trialist, we’ll give you access to our Trials section on the community. Here you’ll find an announcements board. When we recruit for new trials, we generally start with an announcement post.

Will I be able to participate in every trial?

We won’t always have trial opportunities to suit you. By completing registration for a new trial, you’ll be declaring your interest. Participants are recruited based on the criteria of the specific trial; you’ll be notified if selected. Don’t worry if you’re not selected for a particular trial, or if we don’t have any current opportunities. By signing up as a trialist, you’ll be notified of new opportunities as soon as they become available.

How do I get involved?

If that’s piqued your interest, just click the button below to complete our trials registration survey. If you’ve previously completed the survey, you don’t need to do so again.

Register for Community Trials

Updated 6 years ago
Version 3.0
  • I'm interested in the upcoming Virgin HUB FIVE and the Virgin TV Streaming Box when Is this becoming available?

  • Hi,

    Is this still an active thing? Just want to double check before filling in the Survey form.

  • I've registered my interest again?

    Don't know If It'll be any use because I was kicked of the Virgin Media HUB FIVE and WiFi Pods trials

    Kind regards 

     Dean 😢 😢 😢