Have your say - payment due for balance reminders
We're always looking for ways to improve how we communicate with you on the things you find important. We'd love to hear what you think about our proactive communications for payment for due balance reminders. We'll run you through what you can expect below, and then there's a short survey where you can share your impressions and feedback with us.
Life is hectic and sometimes things slip through the net. If that happens, and you haven't made a payment to us, we want to let you know before it becomes overdue so you don't have any interruption to your services.
Here's a quick run down of what to expect
1. Your usual payment has passed
This month's bill has been sent and your payment date has passed but we haven't received a payment yet
2. Proactive SMS
Around 5 days before your new bill becomes available we'll send you an SMS as a gentle reminder we haven't received this months payment and let you know the easiest way to pay...
3. Channel of choice
... you can make a payment through your channel of choice
4. You're back on track
After you've made your payment, you'll get your payment receipt and that's it!