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Annual price change from April 2024

Kei_M's avatar
Community Manager
2 years ago

Each year we adjust the monthly subscription prices our customers pay for Virgin Media broadband, TV and home phone, so we can continue to invest in our network and services.


What this means for you

We know that price changes are never welcome, but like many other businesses we’re seeing increased costs while investing to keep up with growing demand.

We adjust our prices based on the UK government’s Retail Price Index (RPI) rate of inflation. RPI measures the rate of inflation by assessing the average change from one year to the next in the prices of a representative sample of goods and services purchased by typical UK households.



What’s the Retail Price Index (RPI)?

The Retail Price Index (RPI), published monthly by the UK government’s Office for National Statistics measures the rate of inflation by assessing the average change from one year to the next in the prices of a representative sample of goods and services purchased by typical households in the UK.

Our annual price adjustment uses the January RPI rate announced by the Office for National Statistics in February each year, plus an additional 3.9% which is applied at the same time. If the RPI rate is 0% or negative, we’ll only apply the 3.9%.

Why are you increasing prices?

We always balance our prices with the need to invest in our network, so we can provide all our customers with the best products and services. Like many businesses, we’re experiencing rising costs, which is why we review our prices each year. At the same time, we’re seeing growing demand for data, so we need to invest in our networks to keep up with customer demand.

When will my bill be affected?

You’ll see changes on your bill from your April billing period onwards. If you have recently joined or recontracted and we have informed that you that your annual price rise will take effect from April 2025, you will not receive a price rise in April 2024.


For more information please visit Annual Price Change | Virgin Media

Updated 2 years ago
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