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Volt question

Joining in

I’ve just signed up to virgin for their bigger bundle plus m500, paying £55 a month

If I was to take out a o2 sim only deal through Uswitch , £6 a month for 6gb of data, am I correct in believing I would then get the gig1 upgrade & double mobile date to 12gb?

& does it affect the contract at all? & how does it work?


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hey syrutuwro,

Welcome to the community and thanks for taking the time to post here on the forums.
If I was to take out a o2 sim only deal through Uswitch , £6 a month for 6gb of data, am I correct in believing I would then get the gig1 upgrade & double mobile date to 12gb?

Yes thats correct yoy would be eligible for the Volt benefits, if you signed up to get an O2 sim card. 

does it affect the contract at all? & how does it work?

Your contract with Virgin Media will not be affected by the Volt benefits being added to your account, the contract length and terms will remain the same. 

Once you have the O2 sim, you will be able to register for the Volt benefits via your online O2 account, you can find out how to do this in the 'How do I apply for my Volt benefits?' section of the link here. Once you have requested this via your account it can take up to 14 days for the benefits to be added on both the O2 and Virgin Media sides respectively.

There is also some more information about the Volt benefits here

Kind Regards,
