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Volt benefits ?

Joining in

I just started back with Virgin Media

I thought I'd get the Volt benefits straightaway but when I log into my package it says Volt Benefits: Not active

Any idea how I get it activated ?

Also is there a live chat ? I'm on broadband only and don't see why I should pay for support calls for a service I pay for.


Thanks in advance


Joining in

Just been on a call on the 0800 number, the person said "the Volt upgrade should have been applied on the first day" Then tried to sell me an upgrade package.......I've only been back for a few weeks.
I explained I just wanted the Volt upgrade I was offered. She tried to a "dedicated team " and I was cut off.

I rang again and was asked to see if there's any link in the 02 app to link it to Virgin Media, then more attempts to sell me TV packages.

On with the 3rd person now who has arranged the switchover. Over an hour of my day wasted really

I honestly wonder why I came back to VM, what should be a simple enquiry / transaction seems to be so difficult

Hi @Drew2 👋.

Thanks for reaching out to us. Apologies in the customer experience you have had, this is not the type of service we aim to provide. Can I ask, are you still having this issue or has it since been resolved when you reached out to our team from posting this?

Please let us know. 


Hi Sabrina


Yes the broadband seems to have been setup correctly now.

Thanks for responding


Great to hear Drew, thanks for letting us know 🙂
