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Super Hub 2ac max speed?

Up to speed

I recently applied Volt benefits to our account, which should theoretically take our broadband speed from 200 to 500. Would our existing Super Hub 2ac be able to handle this speed, or would we need an upgrade to a Hub 3 or 4?

I've always been of the mindset that "if it ain't broke don't fix it" so have not requested a Hub upgrade for many years.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

You'd need a 3 or higher to get 350mb the next level up

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hello Tom41


Thanks for posting in regards to the recent upgrade in package, we appreciate you raising this via the forums.


When you spoke to the team did they advise of an upgrade in Hub? Have the Volt benefits been applied as they can take up to 14 days. More details on Volt can be found here.



I received an e-mail on the 11th welcoming us to Volt benefits, but said that the speed increase could not be applied when we signed up. The speed increase should be applied from the 29th and they should confirm when its live. No mention of a new Hub on either the e-mail or the conversation with the call centre.

Have you been able to chase this since your post Tom41? For the speed increase you would need a hub upgrade.



No, I haven't chased this up yet. I assumed Virgin would contact us via letter, e-mail or telephone if we needed a Hub upgrade. We are also still waiting for the team to get in contact regarding removing channel packages and one of our TiVo boxes; how long does it usually take?

Hey Tom41, thank you for reaching back out.

If you did need a new hub they would contact you about this to organise to send it out.

Regrading the package change have you spoke to the team about this and they promised you a call back?

We don't deal with packages via this platform unfortunately, however you can always change it your self via this link.

Please do let me know. Thanks 

Matt - Forum Team

New around here?

As I mentioned in the other forum post, the TV package changes have now been applied and the second TiVo box deactivated. There is still no communication (e-mail, telephone call or letter) from the customer service team as to whether we need a new Hub, so I can only assume that the 2ac is already compatible with the higher speed we should be getting with Volt.

Hi Tom41, thanks for the message and welcome back to the forums. 

When creating packages the system will determine if a new hub is needed and it should handle speeds of upto 200MB. 
