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Re: Ordering a WiFi Pod

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Please could I have WiFi pod as I can not find anywhere to order in the app thanks 


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi @Meek75 

The pods are free if you are on the Gig1 speed,  or on one of the Volt packages, otherwise they are £8 a month.

Please see this message from the <<< pinned post >>> for help in ordering the wifi pods

You need to use the Connect app to perform the Home Scan in the area where the signal is low(est)

The info below is a copy paste of the steps provided by @John_GS  (Forum Team)

Please can you try the below steps for me on the app as it should help sort this;

  • Tap Start the scan 
  • Then Start the scan again 
  • While connect to WiFi, Tap I’m ready 
  • Wait 2 mintues for Scan 
  • Scan complete, Tap continue 
  • Tap Add a room, Tap the room you're in 
  • Start the Scan (do this in every room) 
  • Scan complete 
  • Tap Optimise WiFi now if an option 
  • If so, Tap Optimise 
  • Optimisation complete, Tap Rescan room,  Tap Start Scan 
  • Tap Order a WiFi Booster if an option
I don't work for Virgin Media.
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Thank you I shall try that. 

I have a ring doorbell and it's not very clear so was hoping to get one for the hallway.