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O2 Volt applied but not speed boost

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Partner has an o2 contract and I have virgin  media m500 under the same address. Signed up for volt and the double data has kicked in. I already have a Hub 5 so thought I'd be set. Been a month and the speed boost hasn't kicked in. Spoke to someone tonight who told me I have to give up my current deal to move to volt and it'll cost me well over double the price.

It can't be just me that thinks this isn't right 



Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi there CheeryMackerel,

Thanks for your post and welcome to the community.

Apologies for the issues faced with the package, to clarify was the new package Volt at the point of agreement?

Secondly what speed was it meant to be?



Hello Kain the bundle is M500 and weekend phone. I wanted to get an o2 Sim but my partner wanted a new phone as well so we went through o2 for that.

I looked on the site for clarification about the implications but I couldn't see anything to suggest I would be locked out of the benefits on the VM side.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

If the O2 phone is registered to the same address as your Broadband and as O2 have initiated double data you are on Volt and it's up to Virgin to keep to their end of the bargain.

Needing to take up a new contract is bull. Some rep trying to make a sale and get you to take another O2 SIM I'll bet.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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Hey CheeryMackerel, thank you for reaching back out with the update.

As mentioned above both the O2 and Virgin contract has to be under the same address, if this is this case you can follow this link to go activate your benefits.

This can take up to 10 working days to be added on the account once it has been done. Thanks 

Matt - Forum Team

New around here?

Hello matt 

Unfortunately that isn't possible. When I sign into my o2 to process volt it says I already have volt and its been quite a bit over the expected time. Virgin media says volt is inactive and I have to pay £14.10 to upgrade. Can someone actually look into this please?