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O2 Sim Uswitch Offer

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Just switched bundle with Volt and O2 sim . As I understand it I now have started a new contract with O2 although I haven't seen  their terms and conditions yet . I haven't received the sim so not activated yet . There is a better deal on Uswitch with much more data for same price I was offered by VM . Is it therefore possible to cancel under cooling of period and take up the Uswitch offer 


Forum Team
Forum Team

HI stublee, thanks for the message and welcome back for the forums. 

I am sorry to hear that you to cancel and this is not the experience which we want you to have with us.

You cancel by calling 0345 454 1111, but you will need to wait 90 day before you can return with us as a new customer. 

Kind regards, Chris. 


I think you misunderstood me .  I had to take out an O2 sim when renewing my bundle as I was told that VM are now not issuing their own sims. It's not that I want to leave O2  it's just that there is a better offer for an O2 sim with more data on USwitch site than I was offered from VM when switching sim to O2. As I haven't received the sim yet I wondered if it is possible to cancel this and take up the USwitch offer with O2 ?

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi @stublee


Thanks for posting on our community forum!

Did you take the SIM via O2 or did you contact us for this? Depending on the answer if you contact us via the above option or you would need to contact O2 and they'll be able to sort this for you if this is a possibility.




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I took this offer via VM . Thought at the time I had to to get the O2 sim as part of BB bundle to get the Volt deal  , but seems I could have purchased the O2 sim separately on Uswitch and got a better deal . I have since learnt that O2 don't do data rollover either that I used to get with VM.... I was told they do  by the agent when I renewed my contract  ... misinformed ! I understand O2 do double data but when will this happen ? The O2 app  still shows the original data  amount agreed to before I switched . BTW I have now received my new O2 sim and using it in another phone until ported .

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Usually takes around 14 day for O2 to apply Volt double data

Regrettably, there seems a lot of misinformation put out by Virgin Sales. Weather this is deliberate or it's just something they make up to get a sale, it's hard to judge.

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Thank you for the update @stublee

We do apologise on behalf of the team for the experience you have had so far. As mentioned by @enlli, it can take up to 14 days for your benefits to be added to your VM and O2 services. Please let me know if you need any further help with this and we will be happy to assist.


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Thanks will have to see when / if double data is applied ... I will be happy then with the amount of data I get .  But VM customers should be aware when negotiating new contracts that they don't have to take  O2 sims at the time they can shop around and get one elsewhere . You just have to have a VM contract and an O2 contract at the same address to get Volt benefits 

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person


@stublee wrote:

Thanks will have to see when / if double data is applied ... I will be happy then with the amount of data I get .  But VM customers should be aware when negotiating new contracts that they don't have to take  O2 sims at the time they can shop around and get one elsewhere . You just have to have a VM contract and an O2 contract at the same address to get Volt benefits 

Exactly what I did. Got a 30GB deal for £8 since doubled to 60GB

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What a result 👍 If I only  I had known beforehand .... also I was misinformed about getting data rollover as well ! It seems like the agent was more intent on selling me a package inc TV which I didn't want as have SKY ... than just BB on its own.