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On our wavelength

My new Volt package has Netflix included how to access it


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi @hhhb97,

Welcome back to our Community Forums! Thank you for your post and I'm sorry to hear that you're having some issues accessing your included Netflix account!

Can you please take a look at your emails and let us know if you've received any Netflix Activation emails?

Please also take a look at your online account to see if there is a Netflix Activation button to see if this can assist.

Take a look and keep us updated. We're here to help.

Thank you.

Forum Team

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Fibre optic

Try rebooting your modem.   I did and got the email straight away. 

On our wavelength

No I haven’t had an email but there is a Netflix activation button which has “pending adding soon” marked next to it. 

On our wavelength

Thanks for your help but nothing so far 

Did you look in spam or junk inbox?   That's where mine was.    Good luck 

@hhhb97 wrote:

No I haven’t had an email but there is a Netflix activation button which has “pending adding soon” marked next to it. 

Is this within myvirginmedia? If it is did you click on it?

On our wavelength

Yes I looked in spam, corned beef, and even tuna but no email. Seriously though thanks for the advice. 😊

On our wavelength

Still nothing no Netflix, no email, spent ages on the phone to be promised a technical update would resolve the issue. It apparently would be resolved in 5 days, it hasn’t happened. How many more hoops do I need to jump through to receive the service I am paying for?

On our wavelength

I'm in a similar position.  I made a call to customer service and an "IT ticket" was raised - that was a few days ago now but haven't heard anything and services still aren't working.  Support via WhatsApp told me:

"The issue with the Netflix activation email is happening due to the Technician glitch when the account is being synched with the Netflix company from Virgin Media.  The account gets Synched but as it is for free the activation emails are not getting triggered" 

They seemed to suggest raising the IT ticket would resolve this... It hasn't yet.