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Mis sold a package

Joining in

Putting it simply I signed up for a Ultimate Volt package which I was told would include an O2 sim card unlimited data etc included in the package. The sim didn't arrive with the other equipment and having called customer services I am told that the sim is not in fact included but is an additional £25 pm to the package I signed up for (this after an hour on the phone).

I have the email confirming my order which clearly shows the sim included in the package but cannot get anywhere with my complaint. I have had problems from the word go with the installation and was told by the engineer eventually sent that the information given over the phone could never have worked so have zero confidence in the whole set up. No one will give me a direct number I can call and no managers are available to help me out. l am just weeks into an 18 month contract which has given me more problems than I ever experienced with Sky. I should add that other than an 18 month break I have been with Virgin since 2004 without previous issue so I don't have an axe to grind (previously).

Any ideas or numbers I can contact who may have some authority? Would appreciate any help



Alessandro Volta

theres just the usual numbers most if not all will take you to offshore who will agree with you and likely do nothing

lets start with the legal bit - any offer if reasonable and that you rely on is legally binding on the company - hopefully forum staff will look at the thread and sort things out to the original offer but dont hold your breath - you are past the 14 day cooling off period it seems so you dont have an out there - so the first thing to do is open a complaint - wait for that to be fobbed off as is usual - if and when that happens ask for a deadlock letter which again they may well ignore although its as legally required as the offer they are not giving you

with a deadlock letter or after 8 weeks after you open the complaint go to the arbitrator who should sort it out and get VM to give you what they offered in the first place - add £100 compensation or more if they dont give you the deadlock letter and go from there

as i say hopefully it does not come to that and staff sort it - but if they do dont settle for some fob off and a tenner compensation


Sacked VIP

Thanks for the input, I appreciate your advice. I thought it may be difficult with the usual faceless corporation. 

Hi there @NR100 


Thank you so much for your first post to our community forums and welcome to the team, it's great to have you here. 


I am so sorry that you have faced these issues with your service and deal, we of course would be more than happy to look into this with you closer via a Private Message. 


I will pop you a PM across now, please keep an eye out for the purple envelope in the top right corner of your screen alerting you to a new message.