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Issue with Volt benefits activation

Just joined

Hi all,

Hoping for some help as I’ve been bounced from pillar to post for weeks. I am the Virgin account holder, my housemate is an O2 account holder. She went through the process of linking up our accounts for Volt via address so all fine from O2 side. However, whenever I go to activate Volt from virgin side I get an error page to say either you can’t get Volt in your area (which we know isn’t true) or Volt is already activity. I called Virgin who told me that it wasn’t active and they can’t do it from their side or it will cancel out my contract deal (via a comparison site, got a mostly discount through March 2023). O2 then told me we had to wait 14 days from account being opened. We waiting 2 weeks, called again, was given the same info that we had to activate ourselves. I told them about the page I keep encountering and they said if Volt was active we had to wait a week for it to register. It has now been a week. Has anybody had this issue with Volt before? Does it go back to the 2 account holders being different? How do I work out if this is a Virgin issue or an O2 issue? We have huge issues with speed and coverage so really need the boost Volt offers. Thanks!


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi danielleljs, 

Welcome to the Community and thank you for posting. 

I am very sorry to hear you are experiencing issues with the Volt benefits on your account. 

I would need to take a look from our side to investigate this further so I will pop you over a private message to take some details now. 

This will be available via the purple envelope on the top right of this page. 

Speak soon, 

