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How to get Wi-Fi Booster pods?

Tuning in


I have the top Voltz package & was told that I can get free Wi-Fi booster pods should I have any issues with my broadband, but I cannot find out how I can order them.

I keep having the Wi-Fi signal drop in the rooms upstairs, including the room with my added tv box, so this gets annoying when watching something just for it to disconnect, & reconnect several times, it also doesn't help this happening when my daughters are online in their rooms.

So can someone please tell me how I can order these.

Many thanks in advance.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi @Dash145H 

You need to use the Connect app to perform the Home Scan in the area where the signal is low(est), see the screen shot.

Info below from 

Can I order a WiFi Pod on the Virgin Media Connect app?

Yes, but only if you’re not getting download speeds of at least 20Mbps in every room.

Our home scan feature will guide you from room to room to carry out WiFi speed tests. If it finds a potential signal-less spot, it’ll test our broadband speed to the WiFi Hub to make sure there isn’t a problem with your network. If everything’s okay with the Hub, the app will take you through to order a WiFi Pod to help boost your WiFi connection.


You can also call 150 from a VM landline or mobile, or 0345 454 1111 from any other phone to order a pod (they will only send out one at a time, and there must be an interval of at least one week before a second order will be accepted)

Call around 8am if possible when lines first open and are least busy.

They are free if you are on the Gig1 package, or Ultimate Oomph, or on a Volt bundle, however if you are on any other package then they are £8  a month.

connect app scan wifi.jpg

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Many thanks for that, I never thought to try the Connect app, as I had completely forgotten about it, but I do have it installed & will give it a go now.

Thanks again, & have a Merry Christmas