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Frustration with the AI based contact system

Joining in

After my tests and an online chat with Tech Support I was to be sent a Pod to fill in a dead spot in my WiFi coverage. When it never arrived, I thought I would chivy them up. Should  be straight forward I thought but no.To cut a long story short, having been sent round the houses by the online contact system, I ended up having to use the complaint contact route as the only way to raise a simple issue.  Am still awaiting a reply. Have come away with the strong feeling Virgin's systems are designed to repel all but the most ardent customer from contacting them. Am I alone in thinking this?


Super solver

No, I contacted them last week to cancel the UHD Sky Sports add-on I had (not part of my contracted package), spent about 20 minutes getting incorrect responses about changing my contract and what I used my broadband for from what I believe was a chatbot, before phoning up and spending another 20 minutes talking to a person, even then I wasn't sure they understood what I wanted, but it does appear that they did get it right (as far as I can tell so far).  

I'm sure it would be a lot cheaper and easier for them to just let you do a lot of these things on the website (and in fact I thought in some cases it was a legal requirement) but think they do want to make things as difficult as possible, even just getting a list of what packages are available and the standard prices for existing customers seems impossible.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hello ChrisJB1

Thank you for your first post and welcome to our community.

Sorry to hear you have been given the run around trying to get a pod sent out.

If you are on a Volt bundle or 1GB broadband they are free of charge.

If not then it is £8 a month.

I can look into this for you, if you wish.
If you don't mind, I will need to send you a private message to pass security. 
If you can check the Logo top right of your screen that would be great. 


Tuning in

Totally agree I have been trying to get a replacement pod since Tuesday. I spent 48 hours back and forth with the AI then waiting 2 hours for a real person they had order my pod then 2 days later nothing ordered agsin no email or confirmation still no pod. Just to get into chat can take you 30 minutes they make it as difficult as possible it has to be deliberate. As for phoning how many times do I sit for an hour and then they cut you off. I am with EE they have chat option you tell them the issue any 20 minutes later call you and sort it. I pay the maximum broadband service working from home priory it makes no difference in service. They literally don't care, service has got worse. I lose my Wi-Fi connection even with a pod the router crash 5to6 times a day I have literally given up contacting them as they don't care. Do a test, turn it off stick pin in the hard reboot, it's the same sh%t over and over. The only reason I haven't left is I have so many accounts set up to my virgin email. Shocking customer service we all need to leave leave. Oh and I still don't know if a pods turning up ! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

Hey Radish656, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry to hear about this,

I can see since this post you have spoke to the team, did they manage to get this resolved for you at all? Cheers 

Matt - Forum Team

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