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Awful service

Tuning in

So I called up to buy a volt bundle 2 weeks ago. The woman who arranged it took my house number and email address incorrectly. I was also told the installation date would be 2/9. On the 2/9 I rang up to confirm the installation was taking place as I had heard nothing. It was at this point I found out the address and email address were incorrect and I was also told the installation was now 7/9… at no point was this communicated with me and has caused me to take 4 days off work to await for installation as my office is 180miles away and I’m a fully home based worker.


Roll around the 7/9, after making server other calls and complaints (complaints which appear to remain to be unanswered) the address still hasn’t been updated. The installation engineer turns up to the wrong house as he hadn’t been made aware of the issue. I then spoke with him and he confirmed the house was fit for service however it still doesn’t show on their system as serviceable and the cable for installation has also been pulled for the wrong house. He is unable to assist until virgin updates their systems and can’t give an indication of exactly when that will be despite this being a job you can do.


I’m now stuck with no internet and tv, I’ve had to get a data bolt on at cost to myself and am faced with having to take more time off work with no solution in sight…


This has been appalling from day 1 with little indication that virgin care, causing me to suffer a financially and mentally. This is the worst customer service I have received for any product I have ever used. 


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi dan1594 👋

Thanks for posting, and a warm welcome back to the Community Forums.

I'm very sorry to hear about this poor experience with your installation, and the incorrect details being input into our system, causing a further delay. I've taken a look at things on our side, and can see that you have spoken with our team regarding this, and they have been able to assist you further.

Please do let us know if you need anything else, and we'll do our best to assist you further.


Reece - Forum Team

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Hi Reece,

Firstly I wouldn’t call having to cancel the order ‘assistance’ almost 3 weeks after it was placed. I have suffered substantially financially because of your company’s poor customer service, or lack there of.


A complaint was raised 9 days ago and I am yet to receive a response from someone regarding this. If you could arrange for someone to contact me it would be appreciated as I will expect all damages I have suffered to be reimbursed. Failure to do so will leave me we no other option than to take this matter to the communications ombudsman.

Thanks for coming back to us dan1594 and I'm sorry to hear of your experience with trying to get your services installed with us.

Regarding your complaint, any complaint raised with us can take up to 28 days to be fully resolved. I will get in touch with the agent assigned to your complaint to see if they can get in touch with you to discuss this further.

Kind Regards,


Tuning in

It's been 6 weeks now, not once have you rang or emailed me...

2 more weeks and I'll go and speak with OFCOM and the Communications Ombudsman i guess. Your customer service is non existent. 

Apologies for the delays, once the investigation is complete the agent will be in touch with an offer of resolution.



Still not heard anything....

The 8 week window closes on the 28/10 at which point i will be contacting the communications ombudsman. 

Expect a call the day before the eight weeks are up. 

Cancel VM here
Complain to VM
Demand compensation from VM here
Demand your call recordings here
Monitor the state of your VM connection here