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V6 recorded programme unavailable

On our wavelength


I have some old BBC recordings on my V6 box, but when I try to play them, I get the message:

No Longer Available

We're sorry, but this recording can't be viewed because BBC ONE is no longer available from Virgin Media.

What's going on? Of course BBC ONE is available! If I the try to watch the same recording through my TIVO box, I get the message:

Not Permitted

Doctor Who - Flux: The Halloween Apocalypse

Due to policy set by the copyright holder, this recording cannot be played on the TIVO box.

Why a different message?



Accepted Solutions


BBC 1 SD got replaced by BBC1 HD on the TV guide in January 2022, so 108 is now BBC4 and 101 is BBC1 HD.

 It does say on the link that "Recordings will last up to 12 months before being removed", and that date has passed, they might still be available on iPlayer.


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BBC 1 SD got replaced by BBC1 HD on the TV guide in January 2022, so 108 is now BBC4 and 101 is BBC1 HD.

 It does say on the link that "Recordings will last up to 12 months before being removed", and that date has passed, they might still be available on iPlayer.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Your recording is likely from BBC1-SD (ex-101), which is no longer available. When a channel ceases broadcasting on VM, hidden EPG metadata is retained to allow recordings to be accessed for a period of time - this is usually between 3-6months.

In January 2022, BBC1 went fully HD on Virgin, so BBC1-HD moved from Ch108 to Ch101, and BBC1-SD on Ch101 was closed. VM were generous and allowed a year for these recordings to be viewed, but that has expired with the metadata removal - any recordings from the old BBC1-SD are now inaccessible. VM's recording boxes are designed for short-term timeshift viewing, and the majority of the time there is no time limit on recordings.

OnDemand is a different issue - the episode you mentioned is listed on the V6 EPG as available via PPV but not iPlayer, If you load the iPlayer app and search manually, it's available and plays OK. This can sometimes happen with "boxset" content.

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On our wavelength

I arrived here for the same reason as others.

 I have a V6 box and am trying to play something that was recorded from BBC 4 HD which according to the info just before I press play was on channel 107. It is still on 107. But when I select play I get the message that it can’t be viewed ‘because BBC 4 HD is no longer available from Virgin Media.’ Well, it obviously is and is still on 107. Any suggestions?

BBC 4 HD moved from channel 107 to 108 in February 2022.

Hub 5, TP-Link TL-SG108S 8-port gigabit switch, 360
My Broadband Ping - Roger's VM hub 5 broadband connection

On our wavelength
Not on my listing it didn’t. Or, if it did it’s changed back. I have the listing on the screen in front of me now and it is most certainly on 107

Have you tried rebooting the box. Also check the link below, 



Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

I don't believe a change of EPG number of itself should trigger this issue - that's just a mapping change within the NIT.

Equally I can't immediately think of a change that should have triggered BBC4-HD recordings doing this - but I suspect my fellow VIP @nodrogd probably can. Hope they don't mind being flagged.

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On our wavelength
Yep. The box was rebooted just yesterday. The channel guide you linked to does say for 107 that regional variations may apply. Here in Scotland BBC Four HD was and still is on 107

Maybe Ernie_C can confirm that.

Edited to add; If japitts can ping him.