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V6 Box Packing up ?

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Need some help if possible.

This morning we were watching TV, changed channel, started watching and the picture went blank (the sound however stayed on).  The remote can be used to turn the sound up and down, but that's all.  It won't change channel after putting the numbers of a new one in, just stays on the current one playing the sound.  

The box has been turned off and reset.  The internet router has also  been reset.  After the box is turned back on, nothing appears on the screen in regards to the logo etc.  Just after a couple of minutes the sound for the stuck channel returns.

Does it sound like the box is on it's last legs ?  It's been a while since we had it installed.  Do we need an engineer to come out and look etc ?  I have tried to get in touch on the phone and couldn't, I have been on live chat for the past 30 minutes waiting for someone to assist but nothing as yet.

Paying £110 a month for all this and have been with Virgin for a good 20+ years so would hope something could be sorted asap in regards to getting in touch etc.




Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Can you navigate the V6's menu system & EPG? And if yes - can you view recordings or OnDemand programmes?

When the box restarts, do you get the "Welcome" & "Starting up" graphics?

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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