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Tivo V6 network issue

On our wavelength

I was having some issues the programs guide and glythched in various programs, so I decided to reset the Tivo then when trying to connect I got an N27 error- cable disconnected - reset the router, no change, cables all good, followed all VM instructions/guides, no change all other devices on ethernet are good, changed to WiFi and that worked.

So it appears that the ethernet to Tivo6 doesnt work for some reason?


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hey palcouk, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry to hear you've got this error code.

I am going to send you a PM so we can look into this, please keep an eye out for my PM in your inbox. Cheers 

Matt - Forum Team

New around here?

As stated in PM thread, I have Devlo 500mbs wifi extenders, these work fine, and if I plug my laptop lan cable in to the Devlo unit it connects filne. However if I plug the VM box lan cable in it fails with that N27 error (disconnected) and I've used a new lane cable.


I have replied to your PM.

Please do reply when you can do. Cheers 

Matt - Forum Team

New around here?