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Tivo Help

Tuning in

Please help - totally frustrated that i am constantly unable to connect and view saved programs between my TIVO boxes.

Tried calling Tech Line - but totally fed up by the time I have waited for ages and then get the same questions, but no resolution . Virgin seems to translate as 😞    Is there anyone that can advise a procedure to follow please? Thanks




Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

What error codes are you getting when you try to muiltiroom stream?

And are you using TiVo (as per your post title) or V6 (as per the forum you've posted in)? 

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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If you are having problems watching recordings between 2 V6 TiVo boxes then you need to run the connect to Virgin media services option on both boxes, sometimes it used to take a couple of goes, I think it is in the network settings, I have 360 so can't check as it doesn't have that option.


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi @pauleyf1 


Thanks for posting on our community forum and sorry to hear about the issues you are experiencing with the TiVo


Have you been able to check on the above tips/questions from our very helpful community? Please do give us an update when you've managed to try the above tips and we can begin to investigate further if needs be



Forum Team

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