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TV services in a second room

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I have my T6 box installed in my lounge to the main TV and have the Maxit TV services. I am wanting to access these services on a second TV in the kitchen, ruling out any form of wired solutions. What options do I have? Will I have to resort to some form of multi-TV subscription? Or is there a device/solution which I could achieve this with? (Could the Virgin Stream Box do this?)


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

First off, the Stream box is not a solution - it's designed for broadband-only customers who can have a single non-recording box instead of any other TV product. It cannot co-exist with any TiVo, V6 or TV360 solution.

The neatest solution for you would be an additional V6 box with its own co-ax (for live TV) & home-hub (internet, for all online services) feeds, fully functional and additional to your existing V6 - replicating your current package and with full bi-directional multi-rooom streaming. You're likely looking at ~£10/month for this.

Otherwise, you can either take an HDMI splitter from your existing V6 and have the exact same output from your current box - going to two separate TVs.

The alternative is to use the TV Control & TV Go apps on compatible devices to view live TV, OnDemand & some recordings from your existing setup, on that tablet/laptop/phone.

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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Densa 👋🏼.

Thank you for posting  and welcoming you onto our community forum 😊.

Have you done what Japitts has advised and how is it now since Tuesday, are you still having the same issue? 

Ari - Forum Team

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