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Recording v6

Tuning in

When I set my tv to record bbc1 the tv turns itself over to that channel but it doesn't do it to any other channels


Tuning in

When I set my tv to record bbc1 the tv turns itself over to that channel but it doesn't do it to any other channels 

Hey Helenq26, 

Welcome to the community and thanks for taking the time to post here on the forums.
I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your TV services at the moment, which box, do you currently have with us? Also, when this happens, do you have any other programs recording at the same time? If so, this can cause the TV to change to one of the channels that is set to record. Does this happen at any particular time of day or is it any recording on BBC one that makes this happen? 

Kind Regards,


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

The only reason your V6 would turn to a particular channel to record it, is if you had 5 other programmes already recording and thus no spare tuners when that programme started.

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

I have actually noticed that behaviour, although only when viewing a recording at the time. I will be watching one live channel, then I start watching a recording, during which time a new recording starts on another channel. When I have finished watching the recording & go back to live TV I sometimes find I am now on the channel being recorded & not the last live channel watched. This will happen randomly, even if only one channel is recording. So I can only think that while you are watching a recording that the box can "forget" what tuner has been used for viewing & goes back to the one that is in use at the time. Not a complaint on my part, just an observation.

VM 350BB 2xV6 & Landline. Freeview/Freesat HD, ASDA/Tesco PAYG Mobile. Cable customer since 1993

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No it's every day I'm watching itv and record eastenders on bbc1 and as soon as it starts recording it turns itself over to bbc1 and I'm not recording anything else

No it's every day I'm watching itv and record eastenders on bbc1 and as soon as it starts recording it turns itself over to bbc1 and I'm not recording anything else

Hi Helenq26

A warm welcome and thanks for posting on our community forums. This is a strange one why it keeps changing channel even though you are not recording any other programmes.

As it's not a series link, can we ask you to check that you have not set the record to record and remind by accident?

This option would automatically change the channel when the programme is about to record. 

Kind regards Jodi.