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Re: V6 box constant red light

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I hope this is the right place to ask for help. Our v6 box has just developed the same fault - constant red light on the front whether or not it is turned on or in power-saving mode. Reboot has no effect.

There doesn't appear to be any other issues, just the incorrect light colour. It means we can't tell if it's been left on or is sleeping, which is not great when leaving it over night.

I have tried ringing 150 and received a text with a link, but the link just times out.

Can anyone help as I'm worried that it could over-heat, or is going to die completely.



Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

I currently have a TV360 (it had a software upgrade from V6 to 360 in 2021)

The box was first issued to me in 2017 and has never been changed. It's had a permanent red light for the past 3 years but this has never affected the box operation. It's not to the touch and is well ventilated.

I would suggest that unless your box is hot and well ventilated then it's nothing to worry about, unless of course you really do rely upon being able to see the different light colours.

I don't work for Virgin Media.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge.
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Unfortunately, I do rely on the colour of the light to determine the status of the box. With this fault, it's possible for the box to be left on in its full-power state, as the red light normally indicates that it is in sleep mode. This isn't ideal and I was hoping to flag it up as a fault, rather than just something that I have to live with (having to turn the TV on and off again, just to see if the box is switched off).

Hi @Fat-Alfie 

Thanks for posting and welcome back to the community.

What power setting do you have the box on please? Is it in Eco-Mode?

Best wishes.

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Hi John, and thanks for replying. Yes, it's in eco-mode (the most energy efficient option).

It wouldn't be such a problem if I was able to alter the time-out duration from 4 hours, but that's not an option.

Thanks for coming back to us Fat-Alfie, I would be happy to take a further look into this for you but first I would need to confirm a few details via private message, please look out for my message and we can get started.
Kind Regards,