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Re: Pixelated GB News

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You are not alone, my brother has the same problem and he lives up in Kingston Park ( Newcastle ). So far he has found no solution but it is as you have described.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person


I've moved your "me too" post to a new thread, rather than tacking onto someone elses 😉 It's often easier to ensure every poster gets the correct help.

Could you clarify what the service problem your brother has, is?

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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I do not know why you chose Pixelated GB News as the title when we were discussing sound issues with GB News. The problem was that at certain random times my brother who lives in Kingston Park Newcastle while watching GB News he would get random sound mutes lasting about 1sec during certain programs. AS far as I know he has not found a solution to this problem however he is going to change his HDMI cable to see if this cures the problem. I will update this thread as soon as I any more information.