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Netflix user id keeps changing

Tuning in

Hi....I have the volt package and keep having to ring Netflix as my user id keeps changing from my email id.....I want to access Netflix in 4k from my TV app but email is not recognised as an existing account. . When I go into Netflix from the virgin tv guide I find my userid has changed to something random which I don't know the passwd for and can't there login through the Netflix app on my tv...any ideas please ?


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hello stevew60.

Thanks for your first post and welcome to our community.

Sorry you have had to report the log in issues with Netflix.

Can I just ask if you have activated the Netflix bundle with us? and are you using the email address/password that is linked to your Virgin Media online account?


Hi Gareth....yep I've got the volt bundle activated as I've had it a while....I want to keep my virgin account email as my netflix Id 

The netflix I'd keeps changing though which I can see when I go thru to netflix on the tv guide so my Id is no longer valid on my smart TV app

Thanks for replying stevew60.

Have you logged in on your smart TV App with your Virgin Media details.

What Smart Tv is it. Might be worth trying a factory reset on the TV. 


I have yes.. its not the tv...when I go to help on netflix via the TV guide I can see that the 'account email' has changed to one I don't recognise....this has happened several times before and always a different email address 

Tuning in

I then ring Netflix and tell them to change that email address to my virgin account email address and following a password reset I get back in

This sounds very odd indeed stevew60.

Just to make sure, The App on our box, does that remain the same with out the need to log in and out again?


Tuning in

Hi is odd....when i go the smart TV app it asks me to log in....I do that with my virgind email and password and netflix then thinks I'm a new user and asks me to enrol.  It can be OK for a week or two and then I find that that it stops and this coincides with the account holder email via netflix on the tv guide has changed from my virgin email to a random email address...

Tmi mean it is OK after I ring Netflix and ask them to change the random email address to my virgin one...but I can't keep doing that lol