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Tuning in

For a while now I have been having problems with the quality of picture on my tivo. Most of the time it's fine but then I will be watching something that I have recorded and the picture suddenly becomes fractured and distorted and the sound goes. It might only happen once or twice or for example when watching Graeme Norton from Friday night and The Wheel from Saturday they were ruined because it got so bad. Does anybody else have this problem and were you able to solve it?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

I assume that "interference" is a reference to pixellation & picture breakup.

Pixellated pictures on live TV are often the sign of a signal fault. If you've rebooted your box once, then there's likely a fault somewhere, so this will need VM to intervene.

First check the automated faults line for any existing issues in your area that could be the cause: 0800 5610061. If nothing's reported, assume VM don't know about your fault and ideally you'll need to call them.

150 from a VM phone, 0345 4541111 from any other phone - choose the options for "I have a fault with my TV service". Alternatively you can wait on here for staff to respond, which may take a day or so.

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Fibre optic

Is it just on certain channels or is it on any channel when it happens