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2ndl tivo box connection

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2nd tivo box with new package but engineer is unable to run coaxial cables for various reasons. I wonder if there is an alternative solution  to enable me to get some use from the box?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi scotboy7247

VM stopped issuing Tivo boxes last year. 

Which TV box do you have?  You can check < here > 

You will either have an old Tivo box which can be upgraded to a V6 box which still runs on Tivo software, or the newer TV360 box

What reason(s) did the engineer provide as to why they were unable to run coaxial cabling to the second location ?

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Hi @scotboy7247, thanks for reaching out to us and a warm welcome to the Virgin Media forums. 👋🏼

I'm sorry to hear about the issue with the install of the 2nd box.
May I ask what were the reasons why they couldn't wire the 2nd box?
You may possibly want to wire the box in a different room or different area of the room or even downgrade your package to one box.

Let us know what you'd like to do and we can go on from there.

Kind regards,

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I live in a mid terraced house that goes back a long way and ends with a joined conservatory. I took a new package which included a 2nd Virgin TV V6 box, as I intended to use in conservatory. the path of the cable would have to go through 3 rooms which is not possible. I don't want to change the package.  I wondered if the box could be used as a set top recorder box?

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

A TiVo, V6 & TV360 receives broadcast TV signals via the co-ax cable.

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Hi @scotboy7247 thanks for your reply.

We are able to run lengthy coax cables if required but we appreciate due to sight issues of the cables you might not like this. 
However, it is correct that if you do require the second box, you will need this to be connected via Coaxial otherwise it won't work sadly.

Please let us know how you wish to proceed and we can advise further.

Many thanks


Hi Tom,  sight  was one of the issues along with structural and contents

Thanks for your info .Looks like I will have to give up on getting it installed