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Very slow TV guide

On our wavelength

Is it just me or is the TV360 TV guide very slow at the moment? Until recently it was fine but now it seems reluctant to allow any channel selections. It also doesn't always offer the choice of watching live or from the start. I have tried restarting the box.


On our wavelength

I can't see this post in the recent posts. Maybe that explains the lack of replies. Is there any way to know how many times a post has been read? 

On our wavelength

The TV guide on our TV360 mini box is still quick to respond so the issue only affects the main TV360 box. 

On our wavelength

I checked the software version and it was 5.01. This was only released a few days ago so it seems to be the smoking gun. I did a factory reset during which it said it was downloading an update and now the slow response is cured. Now I need to sign in to all my services again so thanks for that Virginmedia.

Hi @slartibartfast1 👋

Welcome back to our Community Forums and thanks for your post. 

Sorry to hear you were experiencing issues with the TV Guide being slow and appreciate you updating us that its working as it should after a reset. 

If we can help with anything else, please let us know.

Forum Team

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