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V360 Channel listing navigation

Tuning in

Is there a way to page forward a whole page in the v360 channel listings instead of programme by programme?

and then return to the current time?

just like the old (better) v6 listings pages.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

You can scroll a page at a time by pressing the channel up/down button

You can go forward 24 hours by using the f/fwd button, and go back 24 hours by using the rewind button.


Added the following from the  page

How to use Voice Search & Control Virgin TV 360

Just say what you want to watch into the Virgin 360 remote. Or give these commands a try:

How to use the TV Guide

Say ‘Guide’ while holding down the microphone button and have an explore by commanding:
  • ‘Go up’ or ‘Go down’
  • ‘Go to the top’ to jump back to the start of the TV Guide
  • ‘Now’ or ‘Tomorrow’ to return to the present when you’re a few days forward.

Or just tap… The Guide button on the remote (left of Home), then:

  • Double left or double right arrow – go forward or back a day.
  • Channel up or down – browse your channels.
  • Guide – skip back to today’s listings.
  • Home – jump to the top of the page where you can change the day, genre or select All Channels and press OK to filter the TV Guide, by category perhaps (music, documentaries, news…).


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The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali

Thanks for your reply but I am asking about paging forward and back right and left a whole page, not up and down.