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TV360 vs V6

On our wavelength

I keep finding ways that the TV360 experience is worse than the V6. With the V6 you could fast forward through advert breaks until the next part of the programme started and it would jump back enough to avoid missing any of the programme. The TV360 doesn't so you need to rewind manually. Another annoyance is you can't turn on Subtitles for a recorded programme. You can select them but they don't work.


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Very Insightful Person

I've just tested the subttiles on last nights episode of Smackdown which I recorded. I pressed the contextual button on my 360 remote, then clicked subtitles and highlighted English and the program played with subtitles.

There are a few tips with the 360 for controling fastforward/rewind.

To skip forwards/backwards 15 minutes in recordings - press MIC and say "go forward 15 minutes" or "go back 15 minutes". You can also say "fast forward 10 minutes" or whatever amount of time you want. To avoid adverts on streamed & on demand say "skip forward three minutes" or "fast forward 3 minutes"

The left and right arrow buttons either side of the OK button skip forward 30 seconds and back 10 seconds.

If you press the fast forward button above the '3' key, you have 4 speeds depending on how many times you press the button, when fast forwarding you can press the TV button to turn off the graphics, you can then press the play button to start watching.

When fast forwarding press TV button and that will switch off the fast forward arrows etc. For Stop press the back button or pause button, TV button also stops and puts you back to TV.

To play back in slow motion press pause then Fast Forward

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

I've just tested the subttiles on last nights episode of Smackdown which I recorded. I pressed the contextual button on my 360 remote, then clicked subtitles and highlighted English and the program played with subtitles.

There are a few tips with the 360 for controling fastforward/rewind.

To skip forwards/backwards 15 minutes in recordings - press MIC and say "go forward 15 minutes" or "go back 15 minutes". You can also say "fast forward 10 minutes" or whatever amount of time you want. To avoid adverts on streamed & on demand say "skip forward three minutes" or "fast forward 3 minutes"

The left and right arrow buttons either side of the OK button skip forward 30 seconds and back 10 seconds.

If you press the fast forward button above the '3' key, you have 4 speeds depending on how many times you press the button, when fast forwarding you can press the TV button to turn off the graphics, you can then press the play button to start watching.

When fast forwarding press TV button and that will switch off the fast forward arrows etc. For Stop press the back button or pause button, TV button also stops and puts you back to TV.

To play back in slow motion press pause then Fast Forward

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Very Insightful Person

@slartibartfast1 wrote:

With the V6 you could fast forward through advert breaks until the next part of the programme started and it would jump back enough to avoid missing any of the programme. The TV360 doesn't so you need to rewind manually.

TV360 is fundamentally different to TiVo/V6 in the same way as Apple is fundamentally different to Android.

The jump-back from fast-forward that you describe is one of the differences that people who've chosen to convert have to adapt to.

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Hi slartibartfast1,

The "skip back" feature you are referring to is one of the many patented by TiVo so I don't expect to see that on the 360.


That tip about the left and right buttons skipping forward 30s and back 10s was really useful, thanks. The subtitles sometimes need to be selected twice to get them to work but do indeed work for recorded programmes.

Hi @slartibartfast1 👋 Thank you for your posts 😀

We're sorry to hear your experience with 360 has been worse than that with V6, but glad you've found the advice provided by @newapollo really useful.

If you have any further queries, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Joining in

I too think the fast forward/rewind is not as good as the V6 which was smooth and you could stop and play avoiding adverts! It also had a really good freeze frame advance. Why can't the software do the same? This new function is a step backwards on the 360.

Voice command "skip adverts" would be good! 

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi rustical 

I hope the following tips are useful 

To skip forwards/backwards 15 minutes in recordings - press MIC and say "go forward 15 minutes" or "go back 15 minutes". You can also say "fast forward 10 minutes" or whatever amount of time you want.

To avoid adverts on streamed & on demand say "skip forward three minutes" or "fast forward 3 minutes"

The left and right arrow buttons either side of the OK button skip forward 30 seconds and back 10 seconds.

If you press the fast forward button above the '3' key, you have 4 speeds depending on how many times you press the button,

When fast forwarding you can press the TV button and that will switch off the fast forward arrows. You can then press the play button to start watching.

For Stop press the back button or pause button, TV button also stops and puts you back to TV.

To play back in slow motion press pause then Fast Forward

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Once you get used to it the 360 is much better for fast forward etc.   Skip 4 minutes for ITV or 5 minutes for sky usually works a treat.  The buttons either side of the OK are better than the FF RW buttons. Also works well on the on demand shows better than TiVo does.