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Streaming devices

Dialled in

Not sure if this is right place but I was watching my recordings in my bedroom I have the v6 it was updated to 360 and I have a virginmedia smaller box in bedroom... I only have theses 2 boxs all of a sudden I can't watch any of my recordings in bedroom it comes up saying you have reached max streaming devices pkz stop one of your other devices to continue watching... I don't have any other devices can any one help me I've rebooted box and still the same... Thankyou in advance xx 


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi pep4uk 👋

Thanks for posting, and a warm welcome back to the Community Forums.

I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing problems with your TV360 Mini Box showing an error relating to the recordings. Can you please try to reboot both TV boxes by switching them off at the back for 30 seconds, before switching them back off again?

This will refresh any connections and should allow you to watch any recordings on either box.


Reece - Forum Team

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Dialled in

Thankyou the main box had went into stand by that's what problem was 

Ty for your reply 

Pep xxx 

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

This is one major difference between TiVo-software on a TiVo/V6 & Horizon-software on a TV360 setup.

You have one master TV360 box with a hard drive, and all subsequent installs are TV360-minis without hard drives which are reliant on the master for recording. You need to set the master box for "Active Start" or "Quick Start" to allow reliable multiroom streaming.

Different from a V6 setup where all boxes have hard drives.

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Thankyou so much Pep xx