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Sky sports is blurry and pixilated

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I have just moved over to virgin from sky and my sky sports is blurry and pixilated.  Is this normal?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi @Kaighin79 

Is it any particular Sky Sports channel, or is it all of them?

Are any other channels affected?

Which package do you have, and are you viewing Sky Sports SD, or Sky Sports HD?

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It's all the sky sports channels and they are SD.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Depending on the size of your TV, upscaling an SD picture onto an HD or UHD screen will result in progressively poorer pictures which you may see as blurring.

Pixellation is a signal fault but will affect all channels carried on the affected frequency - which won't necessarily be the ones you'd expect. For example, if Sky Sports Arena SD  is affected, so should Gold+1, Alibi+1, 5Star+1 & Discovery Turbo. Are those OK?

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Hi @Kaighin79 

Welcome to the community forums

Sorry to hear of your concerns with your picture quality with Sky Sports SD channels. 

Do you see any pixilation on any other channels or is this only noticeable on Sky Sports channels? 

Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent

No it appears to just be sky sports

Hi Kaighin79 👋 thank you for getting back to us! Sorry to hear about the issue with blurring and pixelation on sky sports. 

Is this happening consistently (all of the time) or just some of the time? 

It may be worth checking the image settings for your TV box (you can see more information on how to do this here 👉 How to change the settings on my Virgin Media box | Virgin Media Help) . 

Do you know if you previously had Sky sports HD with your former provider? This may also make an impact on the quality of image you are used to seeing when viewing Sky sports. If you are interested in adding sky sports HD to your package you can see more information about this here 👉 Best sports TV channels and packages 2022 | Virgin Media

Let us know and we can continue to offer help if needed! Thank you for your patience in the meantime. 🌞

All the best. 


Good afternoon,

I have checked the resolutions as suggested but there is no change.  I did have hd previously, however the picture is awful on the sky sports channels on my virgin package.  It is blurred with a ghost on it.  Is there anything that can be done please.

Hi @Kaighin79,

Is this pixilation issue ongoing for you today? If so, can you ensure that the cables both to and from your TV to the TV box are tightly and securely connected?


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