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Re: Slow tv box startup

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hi, I have the Virgin 360 mini tv box. I set the startup to eco but it literally takes 5 mins to get to live tv. Long wait on welcome page, then blank screen, then long wait on please wait page, then blank screen, then Virgin media logo. About 3 minutes. I’ve reset it to fast start and nothing has has changed. Any suggestions?



Hi Edm1,

I see from a previous post you were thinking of turning your hub off at night to save power and be greener, if you are switching the mini box off at the plug then that's pretty much the same as the box being set to Eco start and will cause the mini box to be slow to start up even if it's set to fast start.

Best compromise is to set the mini to active start and leave switched on at the plug.

If the mini is left switched on at the plug and set to fast start then it should start up in second's not minutes, my mini is set to active start and takes about 10 second's although I have never timed it so don't take 10 second's as a standard reference.


Hi thanks for advice. I had it in eco for a while but got so tired of the long startups (5mins) Ive put it back on fast start and it still takes minutes to start. Have disconnected and restarted but it hasn’t made any difference. Any other ideas?thx!

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

The eco, active, fast settings have no effect if you are powering up from off, rather than starting from standby.

As @roy247  suggested in post #2, if you are getting the welcome screen, you must be starting by powering on the box.

Can you please confirm whether you are starting from standby or actually powering on the box?

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Just powering up from standby, unless somehow it’s powering down completely when I press the red off button?

I only ever press red button for on and again for off. 
thanks in advance!

Hi Edm1, 

Thanks for taking the time to post about your issues in the Community.

We're sorry to hear that the box seems to be taking it's time to start up. Based on the checks this end, it looks as though you have the Stream box. It's not showing as being online and our diagnostic systems are having issues connecting to the box which suggests it may be switched off. 

Can you advise if the box is plugged in and switched on for us? If not, please do this, post here to let us know and leave it on until we reply. This will allow us to run further checks then. 

Many thanks, 

Forum Team

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hi, it’s now on.
Thx Ed

Hi @Edm1 thanks for getting back to us.

Can you confirm if your box is currently switched on?  Also, if the box is a stream box, switching your hub off at the power every night is going to slow any booting up process for the stream box.

