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Playback recordings

On our wavelength

I've got 2 tivo boxes that have been upgraded to 360.

I've set programmes to record on the living room box, but when I try to watch some (not all) I get a message saying it cannot connect to my other box. 

Not sure why it needs to connect to the 2nd box to play recordings or why it is only some. 

Has anyone else had this issue? 



Sounds like they have been recorded on the other box, you can check by going to Saved > Recorded > See all > and click on the Recorded tab you will see a drop down with the following options:-

Recorded, Recorded on this Virgin TV box, Planned, and Planned for this Virgin TV box.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi @kab1892 

You also need to ensure that the box the recording has been made on is set to either fast start or active start

Go to Settings > System > Standby power consumption. You have 3 choices.
Fast start  - the 360 starts quickly but is less energy efficient
Active start - more energy efficient than fast start but the box takes a little longer to start up
Eco start - the most energy efficient and probably the one you're using. It uses minimal power but takes a while to start.
The first two options are best if you have a mini box and want to watch a recording on it, but also apply if you have two main boxes. 

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

One of the fundamental differences between V6 & TV360 is that V6 boxes are all self-contained but also multiroom link. TV360 is generally one master recording box, and additional slave boxes that don't have recording capability.

Converting additional V6 into multiple TV360-masters does mitigate for this, but the concept of defaulting to one central recording pool does remain.

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On our wavelength

Thanks all for your replies. 


I'm 95% certain that the recordings were made on the box I'm trying to watch them on, it's the living room box, where as the other one is upstairs.

Both boxes are set to fast start too. 

Very puzzling, some recordings work. The ones that don't are live football from sky sports, wonder if that's something to do with it.

This doesn't seem like an upgrade from the Tivo system!

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@kab1892 wrote:

Very puzzling, some recordings work. The ones that don't are live football from sky sports, wonder if that's something to do with it.

This doesn't seem like an upgrade from the Tivo system!

If you could be specific about which programmes and channel(s) - including SD/HD - are affected, this may help others to replicate.

TV360 is fundamentally different to TiVo/V6 - calling it an upgrade from TiVo is much like saying Android is an upgrade from Apple when opinions will widely differ.

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On our wavelength

Specifically it was live football from Monday and last night on Sky Sports PL HD.

Then also Match Of the Day from BBC one last night. 

Even worse now those recordings have now disappeared 🤯 I haven't deleted them. 

Maybe there is an issue with recording on this box?

Teied to phone 150 but the recorded message said they have issues, phone back later. 


Hi Kab1892,

Thanks for posting this on our forums, I am sorry you're having this issue with recordings on your TV 360 box. I'll be happy to help get this sorted 😊

Can I ask if the recordings are from before you upgraded to the 360 please? If so, this might be why the recordings are corrupted.

If they were recorded after you did the upgrade, are all the recordings in your list corrupted in this way? 

Could you also turn your box(s) on please? It seems they're both offline at the moment which means I can't do full diagnostics, let us know when they're both up and running.

Lastly, I have a link to our help and support page for TV issues which may help further 👉 TV Issues



Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Megan_L wrote:

Can I ask if the recordings are from before you upgraded to the 360 please? If so, this might be why the recordings are corrupted.

If they were recorded after you did the upgrade, are all the recordings in your list corrupted in this way? 

Recordings are deleted as part of the conversion to TV360 - the HDD is reformatted.

If only recordings from particular channels are affected, I'd want to check the live channel for whether that's the source.

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