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Not taping football

On our wavelength

When I'm taping football it's not taping or it's only taping a wee bit of it. Can anyone help?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Are these manual recordings or set via series link?

Are these recordings from particular channel(s)? If so - which ones?

Can you explain what you mean by "only taping a wee bit"?

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Hi moi68,

Is the wee bit about 3 to 4 minutes and is this on a mini box, pictures below of a main box and mini box.

The mini box has no hard drive and will set recordings on the main box if it is set to fast start or active start when in standby.

If you can provide the information japitts has asked for this would help.



Hi moi68,

Thanks for posting and sorry to hear you're having some recording issues. 

Are you able to provide the information japitts and roy247 have asked for so we can help further?


On our wavelength

When we record football we only have about 20 minutes and then the code cs2200 comes up and we can't see any more of the recording.

On our wavelength

It's manual recording, different channels and it looks like it's all recorded but when you watch it it stops when you get to about twenty minutes in.

On our wavelength

It's on the one with a controller in the picture


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi @moi68 

Does this also happen with other recordings from non sports channels?

I don't work for Virgin Media.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge.
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The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali

On our wavelength

No just football

Hi moi68,

Is this what you mean by a manual recording, if you go to channel 528 tonight on the guide and press record it will only record 20 minute's. You can try 527 or 531 if you want.