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No channels

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Whats happening about this lack of hurry on fixing the TV service ......this has been 4 days with no service at all that I know of " what is happening ! " . And I posted previously about another issue about my bill and got nothing resolved.  Who else feels like as a customer you fall on deaf ears and and feel powerless with the system in place that's supposed to HELP you .


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

What are the symptoms of your TV issue? Is this affecting live TV? OnDemand? Recorded programmes?

What error codes are you getting?

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi UncStvChavvezz,

Thanks for your post and welcome back to the community.

So sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with your TV service, from checking however I can't see that you're currently affected by any area fault.

Has this matter been resolved?

Let us know,


Joining in

I still have no TV channels after 2 weeks and have been ignored and left to wonder when or will anyone reply or is this so called community forum just to make the consumer feel better and pretend that we have a voice to be heard 

Thanks for your input and sorry for my very late response but I've lost confidence in this provider and It feels like they are happy to forget about there customers.  The channels I'm supposed to be getting in my package have a large 🚫 sign and have been like this for at least 2 weeks now as virgin said they were doing some needed updates and/upgrades and we could lose channels for up to 48 hours but I still don't have my channels and there is no hurry or response to my enquiries.

No this has not been resolved and its over 2 weeks in 

I am sorry you're still having this issue. Is this still a continuous fault or an intermittent one?

Do you have any messages on the screen?
