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New Customer - Account Retrieval error CS1012

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New customer since August 21st with Virgin Media. I managed to activate the phone and broadband but the virgin 360 box refuses to activate! As such I’ve been without any TV for almost 4 weeks! I’m getting an on box “Account Retrieval error CS1012” - virgin media said the support team will resolve this on the backend but it can take up to 5 days.

I called them again today (8th Sept) and got told the same thing to wait 5 days for the support team to resolve. I was aware that I have a 14 day cooling period to cancel but this might be virgin media’s way of getting around it! In the meantime, I’ve been paying them for TV but unable to watch anything 😞 I wish I listened to my other half and went with Sky.  

I would really appreciate any guidance or someone from the support team to resolve.

Thank you!


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi UB132 

CS1012 is an account retrieval issue either because the box hasn't been fully set up on VM's systems yet, or possibly because the box hasn't been activated.

If it hasn't been done already call 0800 953 9500 to activate the box -  you will need the box serial number, and your account and area number

If that's unsuccessful it should then be passed to 2nd/3rd level support to update your account  manually in the systems which may take 48/72 hours (longer over the weekend)  which is what appears to be happening at present, and if that fails it requires a tech visit for a box swap.

It may be a worthwhile asking VM to extend your cooling off period so it starts once the TV360 error is fixed.

I don't work for Virgin Media.
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The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali

Thanks for responding. I did try calling that number and activating kit but the automated message said there is an issue so didn’t ask for serial number. 

Good shout on cooling period. The support team called and couldn’t fix it. Engineer coming this Thursday!