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Netflix crashes

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I've seen a thread on this which looks like a very similar issue, but that one really doesn't have an answer on it, so I'm starting this one!

On Netflix (used to only happen on Netflix but recently this has happened a couple of times on Amazon Prime) on my V6 box (that was installed by a Virgin technician, directly connected to the cable, and has not been moved since installation), when starting a programme on Netflix (it matters not whether this is a film / series / documentary or whatever), it will usually run for about 30 seconds before resorting to the black screen of death!

Sometimes this screen will resolve itself within a few seconds and whatever was being watched will resume with no further issues.

Sometimes this screen will disappear and the TV splash screen will appear informing us their is no signal, do we want to turn on the Virgin box (every time this happens, the V6 box light is showing that the box is still on.  We have to manually turn the box off and restart it, then go through the whole process of choosing the netflix app, then navigating to what we were watching and try again.  Sometimes this will work the second time, sometimes this process needs to be repeated two or three times before the programme resumes).

Sometimes (I think this has happened twice), an error code splashes on the screen when we reach the TV splashscreen bit.  Unfortunately this disappears so quickly I've never been able to copy down the error code.

When the programme finally resumes after one or more resets, there are never any issues until the end.

The fact that this happens EVERY time on Netflix suggests to me that there is an issue with the box - this DOES NOT happen when using a smart TV directly or watching over the internet.

I have tried to reboot the V6 box a number of times but this has not helped.

I have tried to change the HDMI ends and even changed the cable completely but this has not worked.

The V6 box is plugged directly into the TV and there is no soundbar involved.

Does anyone know the resolution to this - does the V6 box need replacing?



Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

First off, no TV box should restart of its own accord more than occasionally and overnight.

The black-screen a short time into a streaming programme could be the picture resolution being altered, which of itself is normal behaviour. The subsequent restart, is not.

Does it happen with other OnDemand & streaming apps? I have experienced similar black-screen behaviour with YouTube in the past, when going to or from videos that have 1080p availability.

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Hi Japitts.

As mentioned in original post, it happens EVERY time with Netflix.  It has happened on a couple of occasions with Amazon (twice I believe), but has not happened with ANY other ondemand or streaming apps.

Hi Walkdmc1,

A warm welcome and thanks for posting on our community forums. We're sorry to hear that you're having issues with Netflix on your V6 box currently.

As our valued member @japits has already given some excellent advice, we would need to see if a box replacement would be the best option to resolve this issue.

I'll pop you over a private message to take some details so we can investigate this further for you. Please click on the envelope to accept the chat.

Kind regards Jodi. 

Forum Team
Forum Team

Thanks for the private message Walkdmc1,

We're pleased you confirmed your box is a 360 not a V6 as mentioned. This has now been raised as a faults ticket on your account and will be investigated further for you.

Kind regards Jodi. 

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I received a call from 'Shriti' - number came up as 'Capgemini' on my phone.  Shriti began the conversation stating there was an issue with my TV.  I pointed out that the issue is with the box that Virgin supplied me.

Shriti then asked me to complete security so she could discuss the issue, but then promptly hung up!

Frankly, this is appaling customer services.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Walkdmc1 

Thanks for your PM to Jodi. She is currently offline so I am picking this up. 

I can see you have spoken to our team yesterday evening and a technician visit has been booked for you.

Let us know how it goes. 

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I finally managed to get back to Shriti - only another hang up to suffer and then go through the full security once more. 

Then we got round to the diagnostics - basically take the 3 cables from the back of the wifi router, wait 40 seconds, then attach them again.  After this, do the same thing with the 'TV'.  Now, being a normal person, I then removed the cables from the back of the television (whilst thinking to myself and trying to figure out what difference that was going to make to anything!).

Nothing happened and the wifi box just flashed green.  After more conversing with Shriti, I figured out she was referring to the 360 box as the 'TV'!!!  Talk about useless instructions.  Anyway, those cables were removed and then replaced. 

By now, we've now not only lost Netflix, but the full internet connection as well!

I am not convinced that my removing the cables and then plugging them in again has lost the internet connection, but Shriti is adamant that I am the most foolish person on the planet and clearly not able to plug some simple cables in, so it is all my fault!

The end result - over an hour on the phone to Virgin, including a redirect to one of the manager's - and we've gone from having an issue with Netflix, to no internet connection, no internet TV and no ability to carry out my work from home!

I was promised a text within 12 hours confirming when an engineer would be attending to fix these issues, guess what, no text!

Absolutely shocking customer services!!

@ayisha_B - any chance anyone from Virgin is going to give me a clue when the technician visit is going to happen - no one has informed me!!!


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Walkdmc1 wrote:

By now, we've now not only lost Netflix, but the full internet connection as well!

I am not convinced that my removing the cables and then plugging them in again has lost the internet connection

to no internet connection, no internet TV

Excuse my selective quoting above, you have a working internet connection? Posting on this forum would suggest you do..or are you you using a different device/connection to come on here?

This forum is not a real-time support service, but if you have a loss of home broadband, drop a new post into the internet section - - others more familiar with that equipment may well give some help sooner than it takes VM to respond on here.

Feel free to add photos in that new post, of the cables that have been removed and the ports on your router that are empty - that may well assist. Or if you have working broadband but no connectivity on your TV360, then others in the TV360 section can likely help there too.

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