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My new 360 Box thinks it's a Tivo

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Installed my new 360 box, all semed OK but I couldn't pair the remote, then it started working and the remoet paired but after being turned off and back on it wouldn't do anything, just showing the amber yellow light. After 2 hours of support calls we got nowhere and an engineer is booked. It is now working but the menus are the same as the TiVo, the home screen says TiVo and the help & settings menu shows Clear or Rest TiVo box. The record button doesn't do anything and when I press pause it says "Pause is not supported".  The box and remote look like the pictures of 360s but the menu items described in these forums don't tally. Hopefully the engineer will fix it but I thought I'd post this in case anybody else has the same problem.


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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi B1gAl 👋 welcome to community! Thank you for posting!

Sorry to hear about these issues with your TV360 box and difficulties getting it resolved remotely!

Hopefully the engineers appointment goes well and they are able to resolve the issue for you 🤞- please let us know any update so we can offer further support if it is needed!

Wishing you all the best. 



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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

What was the reason for the "new 360 box"? Is this a brand new install, a fault replacement or a swapout from a legacy TiVo?

This matters, because no new installs have TiVo-software - but the V6 & TV360 both use the same physical box. 

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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi B1gAl 👋 welcome to community! Thank you for posting!

Sorry to hear about these issues with your TV360 box and difficulties getting it resolved remotely!

Hopefully the engineers appointment goes well and they are able to resolve the issue for you 🤞- please let us know any update so we can offer further support if it is needed!

Wishing you all the best. 



Joining in

Thanks Molly,

Yes the engineer fixed it in a heartbeat, the box I received was apparently a "flexible" box that can work as a 360 or a TiVo and my account had not been properly updated so had downloaded the TiVo software but failed to function correctly for recording and pause/rewind, nor would Virgin Go provide any function other than watching live. An account  notification shown on screen was his immediate indicator. A new 360 only box was installed and configured with zero problems. A great experience in huge contrast to the two hours of frustrating phone calls, bot chats, remote diagnostics and dropped phone line difficulties I experienced in trying to obtain any kind of meaningful technical support when the installation failed, not to mention waiting  3 days for an engineer.One agent somehow magically diagnosed that I had the wong remote and was going to fix it by sending me a new one. I was installing this box 5 days after the acoount had been supposedly switched to my new package and hardware so overlap/system lags cannot be the cause. There is clearly a problem with the box upgrade system that leaves accounts in limbo and there are some lessons to be learned by Virgin Media, but will they be learned?

Swapout for a legacy TiVo. After installtion, all of the menus were the same as the legacy box and said "TiVo" except the remote settings seemed to think it was paired with a V6 remote, which was the new remote.The old remote still worked.  It looked like the account caused the TiVo O/S to be downloaded to the box but then refused to accept the TiVo because the account was switched to 360. Fortunately it did at least function enough to watch TV while waiting 3 days for an engineer.

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Thank you for the update on this. 


Just to confirm - is everything resolved for you? 


