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Error CS1012

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I have seen other posts of the Error CS1012. I am a new customer just switched from BT and I think I made a mistake. 

From what I have read this error has not been solved or cant be fixed? That is weird to me.

So can I never use my TV box? I called and was told it might be fixed is 5 days, but might not. How did other ever resolve this issue? How long did it take and how many calls?


Accepted Solutions

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi DaveShep 

CS1012 is an account retrieval issue. This is often solved by 2nd level support manually updating the VM systems by adding the correct serial numbers to your account  

However if that fails they usually have to send out a tech to perform  a box swap.

I don't work for Virgin Media.
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The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi DaveShep 

CS1012 is an account retrieval issue. This is often solved by 2nd level support manually updating the VM systems by adding the correct serial numbers to your account  

However if that fails they usually have to send out a tech to perform  a box swap.

I don't work for Virgin Media.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge.
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The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi @DaveShep,

Welcome to our Community Forums and thank you for your first post! Sorry to hear that you're having some issues with your TV box at the moment!

I'll be more than happy to look into this for you via Private Message. Please keep an eye out for an envelope at the top right corner of your Forum page. I'll be in touch soon.

Thank you.

Forum Team

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Thanks for that. Virgin said the SN is correct but they still can't fix remotely. A tech is scheduled to come out. 

I think the issue might be that they sent two internet boxes (one did not work) and the TV box does not work with the new internet box. I am a new customer so these are all new boxes, so surprised 2 of the 3 did not work. We will see what the tech can do. 

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi again @DaveShep 

Thanks for updating the thread and providing more information.

Even though you are a new customer, the equipment may not be new.

Please update the thread again following the tech visit to confirm that all is now hopefully working correctly.

If you do have any further issues, even if not related to the current one, then don't hesitate to shout out  on the forums and  we will do our best to help.

You might find the following pages useful in getting to know  the 360 once it's all up and running. 

I don't work for Virgin Media.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge.
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The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali


Well the sage continues. The tech arrived today and tried the old TV box (still didn't work). He then tried 2 other boxes and both failed as well. We are now getting a cS1011 error, but he said the last box only had one software not two (no idea what that means). He thought it was the broadband speed but then tested that and it was actually ok. 

We left (without fixing it) and said he will be back tomorrow (no idea what time or if he will?). He tried looking at cables outside but nothing. He said it must be an error on our account in the back end (which Virgin said was ok but I guess not). He also said he had never seen anything like, which is always what you want to hear :(. 

So not fixed, and no idea if the tech will return or not. I will try to contact Virgin but not much hope. 

This is what I get for going with the cheaper provider. Doh.