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Disney+ sound quality very low

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When I watch anything on Disney+ I have to turn the volume up on my LG TV super loud.

usually sound is on 9 or 10 - when switching to Disney I have to turn it up to 30 but it doesn’t get any louder past this.

I don’t have this issue with Prime video or normal tv, only Disney.

Any suggestions?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

I've just tested Disney + and started watching Guardians of the Galaxy on my 360  using an LG TV and have no sound/volume issues.

Have you tried the different audio settings on your 360 ?  Settings > Audio & Video > Audio output?

Follow content, PCMI 5.1(HDMI only), and PCM2.0



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Hi Kinglouis12345,

Thanks for your post and welcome to the community.

Apologies for the issues faced with the sound, has the recommended settings above helped with this at all?

Also are any other apps facing the same problem?

