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Disable red button prompt

Tuning in


is there anyway to disable the red button on bbc channels on 360? During the day the wifi is not required by the household so would ideally like it turned off for money saving, however the bbc channels keep showing a message saying the box isn’t connected to the internet and I’m aware this is due to the red button prompt.

can I remove this link or stop the message appearing?

Thanks, Z


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Be aware if you turn off the Broadband connection to your Horizon V360 boxes they will not be able to interact with the Horizon server at the cable headend. You will only be able to watch live TV. You will have no access to your recordings, & any recording set to take place when the Broadband is off will fail. Horizon V360 is a server driven system, not a box based system. You also lose any last minute updates to the programme listings.

VM 350BB 2xV6 & Landline. Freeview/Freesat HD, ASDA/Tesco PAYG Mobile. Cable customer since 1993

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thanks. I would just like to know how to get rid of the message that keeps appearing on bbc channels when the hub is off. This is related to the red button service which then keeps making this message from Virgin appear


I think your only option (which is almost impossible), is to get VM to switch you to the superior V6 box.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Zelda12345 wrote:


thanks. I would just like to know how to get rid of the message that keeps appearing on bbc channels when the hub is off. This is related to the red button service which then keeps making this message from Virgin appear


You are trying to turn off something that is part of an integrated system. You would only normally see the message if there is a fault, which as far as the box is concerned, there is a fault.

VM 350BB 2xV6 & Landline. Freeview/Freesat HD, ASDA/Tesco PAYG Mobile. Cable customer since 1993

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Turning off WiFi must be a very minimal saving.  

Your best option is to pause BBC channel for a few seconds.  The prompt should disappear then.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

As per the other replies, if you turn off ther wifi then the red button prompt will appear on BBC channels.

Earlier this year there was a CS2400 error which mainly affected BBC channels, which was possibly related to the BBC iPlayer app, for which a link is triggered when you land on a BBC channel. This provides the interactivity with the red button in the same way as customers get an error message when there is no internet connectivity with the box.

There was a workaround, however not sure if it will work for you - with that error you had to force the BBC  channel to play without the pop up reappearing by hitting the back button on the 360 remote when the error message appeared, and then press pause and play.

When on a BBC channel you can also press the green button to remove the red iplayer prompt, however this won't prevent the messages you see if you don't have the internet connected.


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Thanks for the suggestions, will keep these in mind.

FYI. Pressing the green button to dismiss the BBC 'Press Red' prompt no longer works with software version 5.05. You are stuck with it until it dismisses itself.

Hey Zelda12345, thank you for reaching out and I am glad to hear you've been given some advice.

Please do let us know if you need anything else. Cheers 

Matt - Forum Team

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