on 17-12-2023 09:39
on one of my 360 mini boxes
The box as always been ok upon till now
i I have a few pixelated channels & few channels not there at all, I have reset the box several times
and checked the cables at the back but the problems still persist
on 17-12-2023 12:58
Pixelation on digital-TV usually means there's a signal fault somewhere. If you have two boxes and only one is affected, an external fault is ruled out.
Try swapping the 2 boxes around and see whether the fault follows the box or remains with the in-room cabling. Then you can report the problem via the usual means - or wait here for staff to pickup.
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on 19-12-2023 15:26
Hey Joecrow, thank you for reaching out I am so sorry to hear about this.
I am going to send you a PM so we can look into this 🙂
Please do look out for it.
Matt - Forum Team
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