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360 mini box

Dialled in

I have just set up the 360 box on my TV is working at the moment but my hub is upstairs attached to my PC so I cannot use the enthernet cable meaning my TV is on WIFI I would like to plug my TV direct into a hub downstairs by enthernet cable. Things are a real mess I have had to relocate my Phone upstairs into the new hub which is an inconvenience.Is there a VM TV box like my old one that runs from just the coax cable? 


Accepted Solutions

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi @infidel,

Welcome back to our Community Forums! Thank you for your post and I'm sorry to hear that you're having some issues with your connection to your TV box!

Have you tried following the tips that @newapollo advised about this situation? 

We'll be more than happy to help you arrange for a technician appointment to have the Hub relocated. However, please be aware that this will come with an appointment charge of £25 which would be added to your next month's bill.

If you're experiencing any other issues, please let us know so that we can investigate further.

Thank you.

Forum Team

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi @infidel 

It sounds like you've upgraded from a tivo box which had it's own inbuilt modem.

If it's better for you then you could ask VM to relocate the hub to downstairs.

The 360 box should be capable enough of working via wifi instead of ethernet cable. 

Please can you check on how the internet is performing with your 360 box by clicking on the Home button on the 360 remote. Then click on the Settings  icon (the cog second from the right at the top of the screen) then click OK

Then use the directional keys on the 360 remote to move across so that System is highlighted and then scroll down so Diagnostics is highlighted and press OK.

The screen will show the signal quality of your internet connection, and if you press the down button on the remote it will also show under Connection speed if it's good enough for LIve TV (HD)  watch all (HD) and Watch all (Ultra HD)


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Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi @infidel,

Welcome back to our Community Forums! Thank you for your post and I'm sorry to hear that you're having some issues with your connection to your TV box!

Have you tried following the tips that @newapollo advised about this situation? 

We'll be more than happy to help you arrange for a technician appointment to have the Hub relocated. However, please be aware that this will come with an appointment charge of £25 which would be added to your next month's bill.

If you're experiencing any other issues, please let us know so that we can investigate further.

Thank you.

Forum Team

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